About Fallout Tactics

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is a turn-based real-time tactical role-playing game set in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. Unlike the previous two Fallout games, Fallout Tactics emphasizes tactical combat and strategy. Players have much more limited interactions with non-player characters, but they can still trade with them, and some missions include dialogue. Instead of towns, Fallout Tactics centers around Brotherhood bunkers and missions. The bunkers serve as a central point for the Brotherhood, and players can obtain the services of quartermasters, mechanics, personnel yeomen, and medics. Characters from completed missions occasionally visit the bunkers. After receiving a mission briefing from the general in charge of the bunker, the player’s squad can then move to the area where the mission will take place. Although this is usually a town, it can also be a factory, military encampment, or a Vault. There, the player is given a map of the area marked with objectives and notes.

How to Download and Install Fallout Tactics

Fallout Tactics PC Download

Password: www.gametrex.com The download is for the GOG release of Fallout Tactics – file size is 1.50 GB

Fallout Tactics System Requirements


OS: Windows Processor: Pentium 400Mhz Memory: 64 MB Graphics: SVGA Storage: 1,650 MB

Fallout Tactics Screenshots

Fallout Tactics Free Download - 80